Saturday, July 5, 2014

Mount Longonot

You guys, I hiked up a volcano today! Me, Allie, and Ashley went to hike Mount Longonot, it is very near to Naomi's Village. I was super pumped to go hiking today, since I haven't been in awhile... since maybe the time me and Lissa hiked our way around America. I thought about that trip so many times today, and it made me miss my dear friend even more. We had some TIMES on that trip. I even brought the same giant heifer lady hiking boots for this hike today.

I, of course, was leading up the rear of the group, hefting and hoisting my way through thinning altitude air and as usual, I was sweating buckets. It wasn't pretty, folks. But you know what was pretty? Turning around every once and again and looking at just how far we'd come. When I thought my legs were going to fall off, or I was actually going to fall over from slipping in the volcanic ash that covered the trail- I would stop and turn. There were so many beautiful views of this amazing country that I would have missed if I hadn't walked through the tough terrain to see what has been left behind me.

Taking a breather.
Looking back along the way and seeing where we'd started.

Many times today, I thought of the old hymn, "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand..." And it literally was. I mean, I was slipping and sliding in this ash/dust/sand/dirt mix that just wouldn't quit. It reminded me that anything I pin my dreams and hopes on other than Jesus are sinking sand. They can chain me up, feeling like a prisoner in my own life, but Christ didn't come for me to believe that or feel that way! I feel nervous, yet empowered to step out and work toward more of what God is impressing upon me to go and do. Deep thoughts for a hike, I know- but I also yelled "Jesus take the wheel!" a couple of times, and also "Aye yi yi". So there's that.

It's also amazing to me that I would exert so much effort, to the point of breathing hard, having a difficult time talking, and ensuring that my gluteus maximus would be ever so sore- and it was FUN. Just another reminder of this truth: "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

Check out these amazing pics!

Almost there...

I did it!

The peak

Ashley, me, and Allie

Me and the peak, hanging out

Emoting the beauty all around me, duh.

Ashley and I

Allie and I
Last time looking out at the way we came

The most beautiful expression in the world. I make it all the time. Finally immortalized in print. Best part is, you can't see my hands. Because seriously, what ARE you supposed to do with your hand in pictures, I ask you?!?

Giraffe friends who eat at the base of the volcano.


  1. JLayne!! We are just catching up on reading your blog!! Thank you for taking the time to write to all of us!! I seriously was just sitting at my computer in tears reading about the little girl at the celebration who is no longer invisible thanks to God's loving shining on her through you!! And, I was chuckling hearing you say, "Jesus, Take the Wheel" and "Aye ai ai" on your hike!! Reading this is like having a conversation with you...I can hear your voice in your writing for sure! I am also sitting her in front of your blog praying for you! Let the Son shine, sweet friend!!

    1. Thanks Dawn! Can't wait to share more when I get home! It has been overwhelming to try and keep up with blogging the last two weeks. Whew! I'll just have to tell you more in person! :)
