Saturday, July 19, 2014

Cornerstone has a Home!

It's been a long and secretive journey to get to the place we were today. It's been 18 months of land deals gone bad, paperwork failing to be produced, and unstable Kenyan land closings. Last Wednesday, Naomi's Village acquired 21 acres of land in the Maai Mahiu area to build the primary and secondary schools on. Bob and Julie took us to see it, and it took my breath away. The views these kids will have when walking to school, or glancing out the window, is beyond beautiful.

It became official on Thursday with the signing and delivery of the land deed, so we cheered and jumped and praised God for what only he could accomplish in this time of striving and working. To stand in a circle with Ashley, Allie, Bonface, Oscar, Fred, Tinkoy, Stella, Dennis, Jane, and John N. singing "Bless the Lord, oh my Soul" was a great reminder to thank the One who makes all things work out according to His timing. I have oftentimes forgotten to take note of that, even in my time here, that God is not on my time table, but rather I am on his. In fact, He is outside of time, something I've written about before.

Today, we took ALL of the school kids, the teachers, the NV staff, and the Mendonsas to check out the new land and to celebrate. It was the sweetest time, to see Nurse Anne rejoice with fervor and Auntie Flo burst into worship and appreciation for all God has provided. He is able to do immeasurably more than we could ask or imagine. We stood in a huge circle in the middle of the land, singing to the Lord as the kids and locals from the area gathered to listen and watch this group of Kenyans and Mzungus dance and shout and sing to our great God.

The Lord was merciful to me in that I'm leaving Kenya on Monday. The fact that I was able to be here when they celebrated with the teachers and kids was very special.  He didn't have to do that for me- I don't deserve anything special.

I will write another time about our teacher get together that we had this afternoon- I am still so raw and moved and teary about it- I can't possibly put it into words tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your heart, J'Layne...I had the same thought when I first read Julie's words about the land...Thank you, God that J'Layne was at Naomi's Village when the land was obtained...she represents our Team...we will come soon, but she was there the day the deed was signed. Glory, Hallelujah...He is good!!
