Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Beginning to Change

I've been struggling for awhile with feeling like I'm in a stand still.

I have a friend, who when we get together, says, "So what's new with you? Tell me EVERYTHING!" I know she is genuinely excited to hear about my life- but I seriously dread that question every time- because I don't feel like anything is ever happening in my life. It's always the same-old, nothing exciting, nothing grand, nothing changing.

Yes, I bought a house. So have most of my friends.
Yes, I switched jobs. So has most of America.
Yes, I went to Kenya. Wait, what?

I went to Kenya! It was honestly so exciting and nerve-wracking because I KNEW that God was going to do something big. It was exhilarating and terrifying all at the same time. I knew it would change me. I knew I would be different. But I had a million "what-ifs" running through my mind.

What if I had to start really sharing the gospel through my trip experiences to my friends and coworkers?
What if he called me there full time?
What if I had to let go of some really well loved things, like my dog?

I was getting ahead of myself (as usual). But in a way, it began to prepare my heart for bigger things, should they come to pass.

First of all, I more than met my fundraising goal to go on my trip. This was a feat in and of itself, because I didn't even want to send out support letters- I just wanted to fund the trip myself! Luckily, my awesome team leaders Megan and Lindsay shut me down. They explained to me that I needed to write a letter so that those who aren't able to go will be able to take part in God's work by sending. If I deny them that opportunity, I am denying God's call on his body to take part in all aspects of missional living.

We did a bunch of fundraisers- sold t shirts, worked at Sonic, had a garage sale, hosted open gym nights, had a support night at Bahamas Buck's... It was crazy. I also continually received support checks from friends from February through May: one to two checks per week. It was incredibly humbling. We made well over our team amount for the trip!

By the end of our time in Kenya, we were planning our trip for next summer and deciding what to do with our extra money. We decided that we would put the money toward a retrofit of the barn at Naomi's Village to create completed classrooms with full walls and noise reduction until an actual school building is funded. We already have half the money for the retrofit and we are committed to raising the other half by January.

We are also committed to raise funds for an additional teacher salary for the 2014 school year. Our team has been changed and wants to give until it hurts- time, money, talents: whatever it takes. My heart is overflowing with love for each and every child, teacher, and employee at Cornerstone and Naomi's Village. Being able to make a difference, however small, has proved meaningful for me.

To think that the love that I have for everyone at Naomi's Village- and know that God's love for each and every person far outweighs what I feel- that is overwhelming. It's life-changing.

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