Sunday, June 15, 2014

Settling In

Today was our first "on the ground" day at Naomi's Village. We had church this morning, followed by a lunch with the Cornerstone Teachers, and a meeting discussing our role and how we would be working with the classes at Cornerstone. It was a great meeting with lots of questions, laughter, and talk. Of course, as happened last year, many teachers were surprised to hear the American teachers have similar problems in their classrooms as Kenyan teachers do- students who can't read as well as they should be able to, those who avoid completing work, those who have behavior issues.

I was asked many questions about Gifted and Talented students and we began formulating a list of students I should be testing based on teacher recommendations. I will be working mostly in Grade 2 with Teacher Samiyu- helping fill in some gaps that some students have in Reading. I'm also going to work in Grade 3 with Teacher David- managing classroom climate and student behaviors. I will be teaching art every Friday afternoon- my hope is to give the kids an outlet other than sports and playing with toys.

If you just read the last paragraph, you will see how perfectly God has formulated this summer specifically to my passions and niches within education. GT, Reading intervention, behaviorist approaches, AND art?!?! This is SO my jam. I can't wait to get in there and get started! My full schedule will begin on Friday, because Monday is Africa Children's Day, so we are taking the kids to the local celebration and they are performing. Tuesday through Thursday is the next round of Exams (Kenya has 3 rounds of exams per school year for each class).

This morning, I was reading in Luke, and just pouring over the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth- advanced in years, barren- and yet, God gave them John the Baptist in His perfect timing and will. I feel like I'm in this place- this unknown about my future, like if I say "yes" in one area, I'm giving up the opportunity for other things that I desire to come to pass. I'm just like, "why can't I have it all?" in typical selfish fashion. I have earnestly prayed for God to remove desires if they're not from Him, but they are still here, just hanging out in the corners of my heart. After reading about Elizabeth this morning, I know for certain: "For nothing will be impossible with God!"

My role is not to worry or concern myself with what might be, or even what might be missed. My role is to live with arms wide and heart abandoned, in awe of the One who made it all. If nothing is impossible when God is in charge, then I have nothing to fear. I need this reminder daily- hourly, even. All that I feel called to walk toward are not all things that run parallel to each other- some of them are contradicting each other at this very moment. Tonight, after a day full of planning and worship and teaching and making Skype calls happen- I know for sure that I am doing exactly what I'm supposed to be doing today. I know tomorrow will be just as it should be. If I believe that, then I also must believe in God's goodness one year, five years, ten years from now.

Thank you for those who have been praying for us. We arrived safely to Naomi's Village and have been having a BLAST being the only 3 at the guesthouse. It will be so great to have more people from teams show up within the next week. I really think having this time with just us 3 has been very instrumental in bonding us together and helping us spend quality time together.

Allie, Paul, Me and Ashley enjoying lunch at Java House on Friday!

Malindi Macchiato from Java House- had one for you Megan!

Prayer Requests:
Praise- My foot does NOT hurt at all! I have been using my golf balls from Leslie and Ken, and the essential oils from Amy to assist with that issue- and it has been great! Please continue to pray that there will be no more pain.
Pray for my sleep. I have been sleeping so well, but I am waking up at horribly early times and not being able to go back to sleep, which makes me want to go to bed early the next night, but then I wake up early again. I am going to try to stay up until 10 tonight (Bananagrams marathon game!!!)

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