The last 5 days have been a blur of fear, panic, excitement, love, laughter, tears, and a general sense of being in awe of God's timing.
First of all, I have been blessed with some of the most tender hearted and generous people in my life. Close friends, coworkers (teacher family!), and acquaintances have continued to offer help up until the very last minute- checks to go toward last minute needs, a bag of yummy snacks to take with me, friends going shopping for me (!!! This should so be a thing. I think it is, but I'm not actually fancy enough to know about it in real life), and the best roommate ever cleaning the house like a BOSS and then telling me that I am to leave everything on Wednesday- she will handle it. Are you even kidding me?!?! It is so humbling and makes me tear up (shocker, I know) to witness people banding together to assist me for the cause of bringing hope to the hopeless and change to the previously stagnant education system.
To pick up and go is much more than that when one is established- I have a home group, a house, a lawn, a dog, and three houseplants.... I can't just simply go. These pieces of me must be cared for, tended to, shepherded. So to those who are stepping up to help with home group- Paige, Chelsea, Rachel, and Mary- wow. Thank you so much. I know I will miss a great deal by not being with you this summer. I will be praying for your closeness and your community.
Those who are mowing my lawn to keep me from being the neighborhood jerk/ugliest lawn on the block- Ryan, Drew & Kristi, Mo, and Martin- you're awesome. I'm sorry if my weed eater breaks. It's just that I'm cheap, and it's janky. There's water and other yummies in the fridge for you.
To those wonderful, selfless, spectacular friends who are taking care of my Hazel girl- Carrie, Lissa, Carolyn, Morgan, Mom- words cannot express how relieved I am that you all will be taking care of her while I'm away. I'm pretty sure she's not even gonna miss me. But I want her back when I get home. No one can keep her.
Carolyn, the best roommate around, thanks for keeping up with house junk and checking the mail-not letting my Birchboxes melt in the steel case of death Lewisville calls a mailbox...watering my plants and taking care of the logistics of everyone shuttling Hazel around and coming to mow. I could never just go without your help.
As you can see- there have been so many that have stepped in to help send me. Without their commitment, I would not be able to go. I pray I will be able to help send you on a journey in some way down the road.
It's a good night, friends. Once on the plane, none of this crazy packing/getting out of school/shoving worry aside/stomachache/what ifs will even matter.
See you soon, Naomi's Village!
Prayer Requests: That our team (Ashley, Allie, and myself) would all make our different connecting flights so we can arrive in Nairobi together. Safety upon entering Nairobi
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