Wednesday, March 25, 2015

For the Love

Something really cool happened to me this month- something I've never done before, never been part of before. I was selected to be on a launch team for one of my favorite authors, Jen Hatmaker! Her newest book, For the Love,  is releasing August 18th, 2015. I have had the privilege to read an advance copy of the book, as well as be connected with 500 other wonderful men and women from all over the world who are also reading the book along with me.

At first, I was unsure, because although I LOVE Jen, this book isn't about her. It's about the Lord. So I wasn't sure what I would find when I joined our Launch Team Facebook group: a bunch of Jen fans, people serious about the words we publish about our creator God, other aspiring writers... I just wasn't sure.

Let me just assure you, that this Launch Team is full of caring and loving people. There has been so much openness and confession and prayer requests and praise- it's really one of those things that has taken on a life of it's own. Pretty soon, the ladies on the team from DFW are coming to a meet up I'm hosting. We plan to discuss the book, meet each other in person, and just enjoy this short but fun season!

One more really fun connection is that there is someone on the Launch Team that I actually know in person prior to the Launch Team- Katie. We met at the Linger Conference, and she stayed with my friends at the #highchapelhouse while she was attending the conference. We found each other in the Launch Team Group, and that has been so cool and fun!

The book is now available for preorder, and I can't recommend it enough. You'll be so glad to have this arrive on your front stoop or delivered to your ereader!

Two other great options to start with if you haven't read Jen's other books are Interrupted: When Jesus Wrecks Your Comfortable Christianity and 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess. These will tide you over until August 18!

*Disclaimer- These Amazon Smile links directly benefit Naomi's Village by donating a portion of the purchase price to the organization.

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